Steam Powered Radio

A Collection of Non-Memorable Radio Memorabilia

National Radio Institute 1958

Broadcast Radio and TV Course - Part Two


Nearly complete Radio, TV Broadcast course from 1958. I am currently missing course booklet #14. Since the course is comprised of 78 booklets, I will add them in groups of six. Booklets 1 to 57 are from 1957/1958 and booklets 58 to 78 are from 1951. I combined the two simply because that appears to encompass the entire broadcast course and I can't find the rest of the 1958 course. Also there are no experiment books included here as there are on the Radiotrician course elsewhere on the site.


40RC Transmitter Metering 41RC Essential Circuits and Antenna Systems Used in AM Broadcasting 42RC Broadcast Studio Techniques
43RC Broadcast Transmitter Monitoring Practice 44RC Broadcast Transmitter and Antenna Tuning and Adjustment 45RC Generation, Amplification, and Modulation of Very High Frequencies
46RC Fundamentals of Frequency Modulation 47RC F.M. Broadcast Transmitters 48RC F.M. Receivers
49RC Mobile A.M. and F.M. Communications 50RC Mobile Police Communications 51RC Marine Radio Services
51RCX Radio Laws and Regulations 52RC Marine Radio Installations 53RC Marine Auto Alarm Systems
54RC-1 Radio Aids to Marine Navigation 55RC-1 Aviation Communication Systems 56RC The Commercial Aircraft and Its Radio Installation
57RC-1 Aviation Weather Dissemination